Saturday, May 31, 2008

people here talk amazing

It's only been a little while since I've gotten here, but already I remember part of why I love this place. The people here crack me up.

- lady at Bed, Bath, and Beyond: "Y'all be buying these lint rollers like y'all gonna have a rolling party! Back in my day, when we had a rolling party, it wasn't with these!"
^ I will invite this woman to whatever parties I have in the future. Rolling or not.

And no, the APAICS office still doesn't have that many windows. Therefore, my amazing bosses have installed this fake window. It's kinda bad-ass. Just sayin'. It's like you're in the islands, but you're not, because you're in the ISLAND OF NON-PROFIT DOMINATION. to the maxx unlimited. The APAICS interns come in on June 9. Since I know one of them, and three of them are supposedly already cool, this should be hilar. We shall see.

My roommates and apartment kick serious ass, by the way. But I knew they would, so that's not really a surprise.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

figured i should make this

Besides writing the sporadic... like, FREAKISHLY sporadic Facebook posts I do, I figure I should have a place to store exactly what's happening to me in my year away from Claremont.

So, here we go. Frawesome Self-Indulgence. It is a bloooog. It'll be amazing. You know it. Mostly things about me and the random (and ridic) experiences I'll have. Wheeee! I might post some "LAWLZ WTFRK" stuff sometimes that I laugh at, so I guess if you like my style of random, twisted, strangely-vapid-yet-somewhat-intelligent humor, well, there you go.

Useless post. I just wanted to say I started this blog as I turned 20. Some actual substantive stuff, that'll show up later.

Tentative Sched--Probably Gonna Change, It's Nitt, After All
SoCal (Claremont, do your worst) --> Until May 18th
NorCal (you can take the kid from the Bay, but never the Bay from the kid) --> May 18th - May 28th
DC (my second home, work it out) --> May 28th - December 22nd
Random Flux Time (uhhhh you figure that out) --> December 22nd - January 11th
Beijing (ACC China--AKA ChineseBootCamp of Randomness) --> January 11th - April 27th
Various Asia (backpacking on the cheap, general messiness, I PROMISE I'LL COME BACK ALIVE) -- After April 27th
