Sunday, June 8, 2008

i swear i'll start using my camera again

What exactly have I been up to in this city?

Nice question. I work at the Department of Transportation, do volunteer stuff for the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies, am currently under the auspices of OCA (another APA advocacy org), and am freelancing my graphic and web design skills to whoever wants them. I also think of starting a graphic design business/portfolio thing from time to time, and am going to go through with it by the end of the summer. (I guess at the happy hour on Wednesday, I am also continuing to be a masseuse.) Hopefully, no bouncering-of-parties where girls want to pee in the elevator this time around. (how classy)

I'm also attempting to recover from Claremont and get myself back, and I gotta say it's great to be here. Something interesting's happened almost every day I've been here, from dinners with friends and nice conversations about how to take over the Hill and job opportunities and other tasty things like that.

I just need to take more photos so that I can actually remember all this, I think. Hahaha.

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